Clean and flatly painted circles of household gloss on white or off-white backgrounds, they cover canvases large and small in unremitting grids.
These paintings are characterized by discreet cloudlike forms of clear, and intense color set against a white or an off-white background.
The fabric is printed with cherries on an off-white background.
Your photo must be taken against a plain white or off-white background.
Try to eliminate shadows that are caused by overhead lighting Ensure the background is well lit, white or off-white, and free of patterns, objects, textures, etc.
You must use a white or off-white background in your photo.
The walls were a warm off-white background for the burnt orange flowered chintz on chairs and beds and at the windows.
If you're OK with the somewhat off-white background and need for external lighting, the new Kindle will be more of the same.
The screen, with a shadowy off-white background, has the look of a printed page with large type and a large illustration.
The cap has a greyish-brown patch in the centre and cold grey-brown scaling on the surrounding off-white background.