If the offender fails to do so, the student is urged to report him to a member of the Student Council, the Dean of Students, or a member of the faculty.
If a young offender fails to comply with the probation order, they can possibly be charged with breach of probation.
This tax may increase further if the offenders fail to rectify the transaction and lead up to revocation of tax-exempt status.
And if the offender fails to graduate from the camp and as a result is imprisoned for violating the terms of his sentence, then those expenses are compounded.
As you point out, if offenders fail the drug court treatment, they are then faced with felony criminal charges.
Since the offender failed to respond to any of the tickets, the computer files recorded a license suspension for each ticket - even though the driver apparently did not have a license to suspend.
If an offender failed to complete treatment, he or she typically faced a substantial jail sentence.
Should the offender fail to comply with one or more of the requirements they may be removed from the drug court and incarcerated at the judge's discretion.
But if an offender tries to enter a hot zone or fails to return home by an established time, the system sends an immediate alert.
If the offender fails to meet his obligations, the court could sanction and even eventually incarcerate him.