Over all, he said, the data reflected a 14 percent drop in reports of offenses ranging from murder to possession of marijuana.
He was reportedly arrested seven times for offenses ranging from assault to grand larceny.
They were charged with offenses ranging from trespassing to carrying concealed weapons.
All seven were charged with offenses ranging from misdemeanor assault to simple assault.
In California, he had been convicted 10 times of offenses ranging from drug possession to burglary and wife-beating.
Numerous other members had been incarcerated by 1985 for offenses ranging from racketeering to weapons deals.
He found a total of 36,102 courts-martial for offenses ranging from absence without leave to assault.
Since its inception three years ago, more than 800 officers have been dismissed for offenses ranging from corruption to human rights violations.
During the first three months of this year, the transit police arrested 9,443 people, for offenses ranging from homicide to fare evasion.
A police spokesman said arrests were made for offenses ranging from failure to disperse to assault with a deadly weapon.