He says senior officers who committed similar offenses have received little or no punishment.
In the meantime the following offenses will receive attention immediately: a) The leaving of the country without a valid travel document.
Subsequent offenses or a person with a preexisting criminal record may frequently receive a full fine, or in some extreme cases, several days in jail.
Another year, the offense receives the attention.
The offense has received an infusion of speed.
Clawson said that Villanova's offense, which had been averaging 30.5 points, had received a lot of publicity, but that its defense deserved more credit.
While Martinez's offense has received the bulk of attention with his 11 homers in the last 27 games, he is a stellar and underrated defensive player.
"Oh, no offense received," said Qual, calmly.
Trailing 7-2 with 59 seconds remaining in the quarter, Virginia Tech's offense received the ball at its 25-yard line following Stanford's post-safety free kick.
The offense will receive one free throw and retains possession of the ball.