Nor is the taint of bigotry assigned to those who use words with potentially offensive connotations.
Mr. Mason insists that the word has no offensive connotations.
The term however, has very high offensive connotations in Puerto Rico.
To avoid any perceived offensive connotations, writers may use the English terms "gentile" or "non-Jew".
It is usually considered to be hostile, yet without any sexual, scatological, or notionally offensive connotations.
However, in the XFL it has a self-mocking quality, and in politics it does not always carry such an offensive connotation.
The Korean term for dog, 'gae,' for example, can used in everyday speech with no offensive connotation.
However, as the Estonian word does not have as offensive connotations as the English equivalent, it would more properly be translated as "guano island".
That same year, MTV renamed Tool's music video "Stinkfist" due to offensive connotations, and the lyrics of the song were altered.