The next single released is Big Brother, which features the 'offensive' lyrics completely changed as the music agents originally wanted, proving she has indeed sold out.
Quark struggled to ignore the song's patently offensive lyrics, while Ro didn't seem to mind them.
Duffy remarked that he thought that the record wouldn't sell well due to the offensive lyrics.
Major Prescott, he corrected himself as she narrowed her glittering eyes at the sergeant who was calling out the offensive lyrics.
Should we play these songs as they have come down to us or change the offensive lyrics?
The reason, school administrators say, is the band's offensive lyrics and complaints from parents.
Sometimes these items contain racially offensive lyrics.
Aguilera responded saying the lyrics were "disgusting, offensive and, above all, not true."
In the 1990s audiences began to demand more violent and offensive lyrics and record executives were urging artists to write them.
In the recent debate about offensive lyrics in rap songs, Time Warner's labels have been singled out.