Certain episodes were not aired due to their perceived offensive nature.
Sorcerer spells tend to be of an offensive nature, inflicting damage on enemy creatures.
However, they also said that "It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea" due to the offensive nature of the film.
Both of them are fully aware of the offensive nature of their remarks.
Some words are censored not through their sexual or offensive nature but for other reasons.
The suit claims harm to the value of the song due to the offensive nature of the lyrics.
I am obviously shocked both at this alleged illegal activity and the fact that the title appears to be of an offensive nature.
If integration is seen merely as a response to individual needs, then the unequal, offensive and divisive nature of society remains unchallenged.
"In every instance, at all levels, they are prepared to sustain the offensive nature of our operations here," he said.
There follows a description of this event, the details of which are of a possibly offensive nature.