Now, when quarterback Steve McNair and his offensive teammates come alive, they are as good as anyone.
Linebacker Jessie Armstead, who was in the center of one fight and spent the rest of practice taunting his offensive teammates, interpreted the day's events.
"I want one person in here to say Sean was the reason," Collins told his offensive teammates at a meeting last Wednesday.
A call from the goalie or point to his offensive teammates to avoid passing the ball into the hole set because of close coverage by defenders.
While he never scored for the senior team, he has displayed on occasion a tremendously powerful shot and set up a few goals for his offensive teammates.
His offensive teammates apparently listened.
The march began at the Hokies' 15-yard line with these words from the 19-year-old Vick to his offensive teammates: "These guys can't stop us.
He has been known to take his offensive teammates to task for making mistakes.
Manning was getting few favors from his offensive teammates.
The team's defensive players have been told not to start publicly ripping into their offensive teammates.