Director Quentin Tarantino offered a positive reaction to the film.
Investors offered a mixed reaction to the merger speculation, bidding one stock up and dropping the other.
This morning, after a news conference to thank National Guardsmen for their service, the governor offered a wary reaction to the legislative compromise.
"My daughter is the expert, and I can offer only an instinctive reaction."
Joe Brancatelli, an advocate for business travelers, who writes an online newsletter, offered a mixed reaction.
He makes several derogatory racist statements in front of Wilson, who afterwards offers an amused reaction.
Still, he added a strong voice to a group of players who have offered a cool reaction to Sorenstam's plans.
But none of those offering a public reaction said the vote had been about anything but Iraq.
But today, talk radio offered a mixed reaction.
Several publishers offered only a muted reaction to the ruling, although it was clearly a major victory for them.