It will also offer first editions dating to the 17th century.
Porsche offered a special edition of the 996 for the year 2000.
Today, we offer a special running back-heavy edition of 7-on-7.
We even offer a digital edition, which includes a replica of every issue, going back to the first, in February, 1925.
Between 1959 and 1969, the number of American magazines offering specialized editions jumped from 126 to 235.
The Hindu became, in 1995, the first Indian newspaper to offer an online edition.
In addition to its weekly print edition, the newspaper also offers an online edition.
Magazines, unless local, usually cover too much territory to be cost-efficient for a small firm, although some national publications offer regional or city editions.
In the last year, the show was in first place in late night every single night it offered a new edition.
Neiman Marcus is offering a special edition of the car in its Christmas catalog for $85,000.