In countries such as the Netherlands, where prostitution is legal but regulated, illegal prostitutes exist whose services are offered cheaper without regard for the legal requirements or procedures- health checks, standards of accommodation, and so on.
The children's magazine programme 'Blue Peter' offered a cheaper, home-made, alternative to fans wanting merchandise.
By that rationale, my bank and lenders has a moral duty to offer me better interest rates on my savings accounts and loans and petrol stations have a moral duty to offer me cheaper - or free!
Telecommunications companies offer cheaper and faster service where population density is greatest and profits are the highest.
Gilwell Hall and Robbins Hall offer cheaper accommodation whilst Francis Drake and Pilgrim Halls are amongst those offering larger en suite rooms.
The company had dominated the era of mainframe computers, but it floundered in the late 1980's when it faced competition from upstarts offering cheaper, decentralized machines.
Although the £1 price prevails throughout the stores, some branded products are offered cheaper or with better value at larger supermarket chains, as the price consistency across all product ranges in Poundland creates customer perception of a bargain.
It lost the toy tonneau, and the remaining cars were offered much cheaper: $1,485 for the two open cars and $1,885 for the coupe.
In the United Kingdom, housing cooperatives as a whole are scarce as a form of residence ownership, and was only introduced in earnest in 2004 when MMUnion partnered with the National Union of Students and Confederation of Co-operative Housing to offer cheaper cooperatively owned alternatives to city housing for Manchester Metropolitan University students.