With the recent acquisition of network hardware suppliers, the company is beginning to offer more sophisticated computers to its corporate customers.
Many schools offer computers to students and faculty members at substantial discounts.
Run much like a summer camp, it offers computers, video games, its own movie theater and extensive professional supervision by a young staff.
The small lab requires less building area but offers more computers per classroom when time-sharing is utilized.
Sun has also begun offering computers that run Linux on smaller servers.
The District also offers free computer classes, e-mail newsletters, computers for public use, and wireless internet access.
Dozens of manufacturers are already offering Pentium-equipped personal computers.
I.B.M. will offer personal computers directly to consumers, a departure from its current sales practice.
The company has fallen behind in offering high-performance computers at low cost.
Next spring a business center will open in the new terminal, offering secretarial services, meeting rooms, computers and fax machines.