The Côte Jardin restaurant offers local and seasonal culinary delicacies.
The inside patio is a great place to spend summer evenings and the restaurant offers delicacies from north Europe.
Open air restaurants, some fancier than others, offer local delicacies, including extraordinarily fresh pink-tongued clams.
Somewhere in the background, the food dispenser drifted aimlessly, offering tasty delicacies to uninterested people.
They also offer delicacies, shellcraft products as well as fresh and processed marine products.
But farther on, a roadside restaurant offers more delicacies.
The fish soup is a favourite here, and the fish and meat menus offer local delicacies.
It was they who now went among the guests, serving drinks and offering spiced delicacies.
They were offered drinks, meat rolls and other delicacies.
The food replicator has recently been programmed to offer Tsoran delicacies.