But the following locations offer diners a more elaborate array, on a cart or tray, at a set fee per plate.
WHEN light, low-cholesterol eating threatened steakhouses, they offered diners more fish, pasta and chicken than red meat.
In April, a place called Bungalow 8, inspired by the bungalows at the Beverly Hills Hotel, will offer diners what the owner, Amy Sacco, calls an intimate spot, with palm trees and 70-foot-long skylights.
He might plunk morsels onto a bed of baby pea sprouts and top them with a deep, dusky prune sauce as a tidbit to offer diners before they order.
He will sing for an hour, taking time out from personally baking every dessert the restaurant will later offer diners.
H2NO (a campaign by Coca-Cola to offer diners alternatives to drinking water)
The commonly owned Coyote Grill in Island Park and North Street Grill in Great Neck are offering three-course diners for $19.93.
BUILT at the edge of Mahopac Lake, this restaurant offers diners an unparalleled view, reason enough for a visit.
The restaurant's many picture windows offer diners a floor show, boats gliding in and out of the marina.
The barbecue reflects the growing tendency to offer diners more than the usual selection of different cuts of beef that, until quite recently, was all that was grilled in Korean restaurants.