During the day the G Spa will offer manicures, a juice bar and three whirlpools surrounded by deck furniture.
The spa, which will offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and makeup in a colonial setting, is not expected to open until next summer.
Lately, some companies have started offering manicures as a perk.
It also offers aromatherapy treatments, hairdressing, manicures, pedicures and waxing for men and women.
Offering girlish rhinestone nail art and moderately priced manicures from $16, the spa has won a following with the Jeffrey crowd.
Amber had recently started offering manicures, which had become surprisingly popular, so both women worked nearly nonstop for the first three hours they were open.
But the Sheraton on the Falls has a spa that offers facials, massages and manicures.
She offers manicures for $25; pedicures for $35.
Best thing for parents The institut de beauté in the basement, which offers massages, manicures, and facials.
In addition to haircuts, many offer manicures, head massages and shoeshines.