How strange was it, then, for a father to have the right to offer his daughter as a token to secure peace and trade?
Arthur sees a mother in camp offer her daughter to a Jewish policeman in exchange for a piece of bread.
Desperately he offered his own daughter to the knight who could bring the stone to him before the next morning.
A respectable gentleman befriends him & offers him his daughter in marriage.
One way was through marriage, and Henry began offering his younger daughter to any nation he hoped to secure as an ally.
After completing these trials the king was satisfied and offered Don Juan his daughter.
The king offered his daughter to whoever built a ship that traveled over both land and sea.
The king offered his daughter, but the prince went on, and brought his friend's body with him.
I would offer my daughter to you.
One man offers me his frightened-looking 6-year-old daughter, who is clinging to her mother's heavy knitted sweater.