Therefore, he offers his wife first to his best friend and then, when that fails to appease him, to all the young men of the village.
"Coming of Age," at 9, offers a former airline pilot and his wife, still only 60ish, who decide to move to a retirement community in Arizona.
The settler offers his wife to all six boys for $10.
They also offered the king and his wife, instant places in heaven.
In order to get planning permission for the island he offered his wife and substantial amounts of money to Morita, who had ties with the government.
One offers one's wife to guests as a matter of course.
I could not offer my first wife for the test because she was on the verge of childbirth.
He's too busy looking both ways to see which emissary from which Tyrant he should offer his wife to!
The campaign trail, of course, does not offer much quality time for the candidate and his wife, either.
"Did you just offer your wife as a babysitter for my daughter?"