It is one of the few companies to offer original Japanese sheet music and recordings to America and Europe.
Erica also offers workshops and recordings which are intended to foster the emotional connection between people and place.
History audio resources offering historical archives and sound recordings for KS2 primary history lessons.
It would offer higher-fidelity recordings with surround sound, which uses as many as six speakers.
Crystal's 2011 catalog offers recordings of more than 800 composers, many of the American contemporary genre.
She also continued to do occasional live performances and offered new recordings through her website.
In 2008 the band launched a new website, offering band-approved, soundboard-quality recordings of its concerts.
Most major music festivals also offer digital live recordings at the event.
We have passed the time when libraries should only offer printed materials and sound recordings.
In addition to multichannel "surround sound," the new technology will offer higher-fidelity recordings than the compact disk.