The long-term deals offer stability and are expected to generate about £48 million a year, up around 30 per cent on its last rights round.
The Line's customers are offered commercial stability and regular reliable shipping service.
They will also stay in post and not look to move - offering students greater stability.
Quartz crystals offer good stability and are often used for this purpose.
Several are attracted to the idea of offering continuity and stability in communities where values seem down to earth.
More recently, democracy is criticized for not offering enough political stability.
Every government, of course, should offer its people stability and prosperity.
But the pastoral setting did offer a certain serenity and stability, if not the opportunity for one to really leave a mark on the world.
IN this mobile age, an e-mail address can offer stability.
Let us continue to work together on building our great European project, which offers us security and stability.