The cynical calculation was that a new civilian government would secure a more lenient peace than would be offered to German military leaders.
Membership in Roundtable is offered to leaders of national real estate entities or major real estate trade associations.
As well as NGO officials have publiclly admitted to offering money to local tribal leaders who undermined Shabab authority.
Mr. Bush offered a conciliatory letter to American Jewish leaders who had expressed their concern over his images, among other things.
One paper said that Ms Yingluck, who has little political experience, offered an alternative to previous political leaders.
The decree also offered a greater voice to regional leaders.
The negotiations scorned by politicians during the election campaign will be offered to Chechen leaders left standing.
Still, there is no question that the Forum tried to raise money by offering access to top Congressional leaders when the Republican-controlled Congress was considering important legislation.
The Girl Scout program offers an array of benefits to our girls and adult leaders.
The forums offered a platform to leaders of liberation struggles, the peace and environmental movements, and human rights activists.