They offered to submit to arrest peacefully, and continued to do so for the duration of the occupation.
They began to look for a peaceful solution and, at last, sent messengers to the Inca, charged with offering to submit to his "empire".
On 8 December they petitioned the privy council, offering to submit to anything to save their lives and heritages.
The unions today offered to submit the dispute to binding arbitration, but university negotiators refused.
The owners did not agree and offered to submit the dispute to arbitration.
Prince Rupert sent a long letter arguing that he did not violate the terms of the Treaty, but offered to submit if his argument failed.
However, in spring 411, he returned the captured officials to Later Qin and sought peace, offering to again submit as a vassal.
As soon as we were ready to attack them, they offered to submit, but a little later changed their minds again.
But he offered to submit to a psychological evaluation if the judge thought it necessary.
Hoping to avert a French occupation, the diplomat offered to submit under various degrading terms.