A technician's maintenance report offhandedly mentions tachyons as being a part of stasis technology in Dead Space 2.
Then, during one visit, he offhandedly mentioned that his whole family seemed to have a virus.
Jack comments that, for a moment in the crash, he thought he could see Gretchen, offhandedly mentioning the color of her eyes.
But this wasn't a problem for her because, she mentioned offhandedly, she raises her own hens.
I offhandedly mentioned the lumberyard to my sister recently.
We were on our backs in gravel under the machine, when he mentioned offhandedly, "Jakeman has a set of tracks he'd given me for 100 bucks."
He was big enough, he offhandedly mentioned, to do that sort of thing.
The last scene is that of the elderly woman "allowing herself to be led away across the deck" and offhandedly mentioning "Such a nice man.
"I had no idea your men are so expendable," he mentioned offhandedly.
"The two you killed on the landing above us have been taken to the crematorium," Reptilian mentioned offhandedly.