One thing that caught my attention was how much effort goes into office design - obviously team collaboration is important but privacy can be too.
Mr. Gerner said that "the whole philosophy of office design has changed over the last decade."
Sonic Foundry, with its factorylike office design, is at the cutting edge of the information age.
A deep yearning for fresh air and the open window is even beginning to affect office design.
PricewaterhouseCoopers is far from the only company trying to take advantage of innovations in office design that allow for greater density.
It is not just cost but rather the changing culture of the workplace that is driving the changes in office design, real estate specialists say.
Open-plan office design, first popularized in the late 1970's, has still not taken hold in some industries.
Most of it will be open-plan, evoking the best aspects of office design.
Tunbjork's pictures hardly depict the best in office design today.
For many companies, light has become a more important component of office design.