After more than decades in the wilderness, colonel Ojukwu redeemed himself and ran for the office of presidency of Nigeria in the 2000s.
He suggested that the office of presidency might be combined with the office of chairman of the Board of Governors.
The first Guyanese woman to run in Guyana for office of presidency of a trades union, she became actively involved in the Guyanese political movement for democracy during the 1970s.
That is what Foreign Minister Møller in the office of presidency is trying to do this week in the Middle East, taking to the region a roadmap which suggests extremely convincingly what Europe thinks is the way to get back to peace talks and to get away from violence.
Since the office of presidency is filled by a country that can appoint two Commissioners, it can only ensure that the principle you called for is observed by its own country.
True, but it shouldn't turn the office of presidency into a fan club.