A further ten officers, along with fourteen non-commissioned officers arrived in January 1951 leading the 1st Battalion of the Fiji Infantry Regiment.
Mr. Davis, the sheriff's department spokesman, said the first officers arrived on the scene just three minutes after the initial call to 911.
Soon other officers arrived on the scene, followed by detectives and the ranking officers who are required to respond to all police shootings.
When the first officers arrived on Monday morning to investigate, the Angels refused to let them inside, the police said.
Earlier this month, Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward said it would have been "the prudent thing" for the officers to have drawn back somehow until other officers arrived with a protective shield and nonlethal devices to subdue him.
On 15 March 2011, Emmanuel died, from a stab wound police say was self-inflicted, while the police were searching his house in Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, an hour and a half after officers arrived with a search warrant.
Capt. Tom LePore, a spokesman for the Windsor Police Department, said officers arrived within four minutes of both accidents.
The teller pushed a silent buzzer that notified the police, and officers arrived in minutes.
LEAD: Four Soviet military officers arrived in West Germany today to observe United States military maneuvers in the south of the country, the Soviet Embassy said.
Allen remained on the scene until two other officers arrived in response to the distress call.