As word of the slaying spread, the chief deputy said, more than 250 officers combed East Texas pine forests, manned roadblocks and searched buildings on farms and in small towns.
More than 1,000 officers, carrying pictures of the ringleaders taken by television cameramen the night before, combed San Juan Ixtayopan, bursting into homes to make arrests.
As officers combed the apartment yesterday for clues, a second son, 18, returned home as a crowd gathered to peer at the house.
F.B.I. agents and officers of New York, Connecticut and local police forces combed the woods with dogs.
Working in zip-up gray mechanics overalls, the officers comb the cars for serial numbers on engine and chassis parts to determine if they have been stolen.
One officer with an acneravaged face and sunken cheeks and thinning gray hair combed starkly to each side talked of a multinational chain reaction on isolated units.
This morning, about 30 police officers and transportation officials combed through vast piles of steel fuselage and other debris about 100 yards from the runway and helicopters hovered overhead.
About 100 onlookers were held back by the police as other officers combed the area for evidence.
More than 250 officers, firefighters and county investigators combed the area during the week.
He said that more than 100 officers from the State Police and surrounding jurisdictions were combing the area this morning.