Inside the livery cab, Juan Sampson, 23, watched the officers converge.
The red-haired marine commander and the two ships' officers converged on the fire, stopping well back.
Even as the captain and first officer converged on McHenry, a hail came in from the engineering room.
At least 15 officers in patrol cars converged on him.
Seven officers converged on the bus at 224th Street, and the two suspects jumped out and fled in different directions.
As soon as the shots were exchanged, the back-up officers converged on the scene.
By this time, officers from all nearby stations were converging on Tottenham Marshes, some armed and others not.
With that, 75 officers of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies converged on the house.
A rider who saw part of the crime yesterday ran to the nearby police precinct station house, and officers converged on the station almost immediately.
Police officers and fire fighters from all around the county converged on the scene and spent hours digging through the rubble for survivors.