The arrests began at daybreak when about 350 officers from several law-enforcement agencies descended on dozens of houses.
Three officers descended upon the Bridge Master as soon as he was in sight.
The officer descended into the basement and then bolted back out yelling for residents to evacuate the building.
The American officer immediately climbed into another chair and descended again into Rama.
Only as villagers and police officers descended on the smoldering building did the scale become apparent.
Tarzan was standing some distance away as the ship landed and the officer descended to the ground.
But, when he had taken a look through the window at which Tom had been standing, the naval officer descended, shaking his head.
The minute Duncan stepped clear of his room, the officers would descend.
As David climbed the stairs, a dozen naval officers descended.
The officer pointed towards the Hungarian frontier post and descended upon the next vehicle in the queue.