That day was rainy and squally which meant the prize crew was busy navigating while the three British officers were dining on the quarter deck near the main mast.
It would wear the old cap-badge and play the regimental march and its officers would dine off of the old mess silver.
The six officers of the guard dined with the King, and, on gala days, with the Queen.
One day, for example, as the officers are dining, the captain sees the steward carrying his coat, which has been drying on deck, toward his stateroom.
I'd like to invite the officers to dine with me this evening-I see no point in letting introductions interfere with their duties now.
He and his senior officers had dined with her each night, and a sense of mutual respect and even wary liking had grown up between her and the Peep commander.
By Slice 9, we are in the cabins of the captain and the admiral whose flagship this is, and the wardroom, where the other commissioned officers dine and relax.
The officers were dining at a restaurant when two men of the Irgun approached and fired machine guns through the windows.
Twenty officers and soldiers from Queens, Ithaca, Geneva, Brooklyn, Homer, New Rochelle and other places across New York dined with the senators.
When the Cheshire Yeomanry met on the estate, the officers dined in the new house, while the other ranks used the old hall.