Within two hours, he said, officers had confirmed the identity of the men and evacuated hotel guests.
The officers had successfully evacuated the women and children from the aircraft while the officers had remained in the plane.
Anti-terrorist officers evacuated guests from the Hilton lobby and coffee shop.
Shortly afterward, officers evacuated six houses surrounding the Watkins home.
He said that despite the tension and fear, the officers remained calm and evacuated everyone.
American officers designated it a Vietcong stronghold and ordered the area evacuated.
He served at the Battle of the Somme (1916), where he was wounded twice on the first day and had to lie in no man's land for 30 hours until a medical officer evacuated him.
As a bomb squad began searching the house about 11 P.M. Saturday, officers knocked on neighbors' doors and evacuated them from the area.
The officers called for backup help and evacuated the parents, Lonnie and Mary Jane Clarke.
The officers then grabbed the woman and her baby and evacuated the apartment while the assailant locked himself in, the housing police said.