Tamara is a former Newark police officer who quit when another officer harassed a car full of black teen-agers, including her son Jamal.
Several of the students and their parents angrily complained yesterday that the officer, who is white, had harassed the students because they are black.
But worst of all, residents and community leaders say, the mostly white officers routinely harass people in this predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhood.
Both chiefs have denied that any officers had harassed Mr. Hunter.
Mr. Soto said there were other instances in which officers from the 112th Precinct harassed the witnesses and their neighbors.
He begins increasingly to identify with the hippies whom the other officers, including Detective Poole, are endlessly harassing.
The suit claimed that officers systematically harassed and intimidated tow truck drivers from companies not preferred by the department.
Bodie tells his girlfriend that the officers harass them every day trying to obtain their stash, but almost always fail.
Some young people say officers frequently harass them.
She claimed that a few officers harassed children and teenagers, and have even been known to swear at kids and shove them.