At least two officers fell under the metal stanchions and were injured, one with a bloody face, one with an injured leg.
Shortly after the signing of the decree, a military officer allegedly entered president Abdallah's office and shot him, injuring Denard at the same time.
As a result, officers injured when their partners ran red lights have been able to sue because the mistakes were also traffic violations.
Police went public after police cars were rammed and officers injured.
One man was arrested, and at least four officers injured in the disturbance.
"We've had officers injure their backs and their hips picking up deer."
The tally for the 27-hour period: six wrecked police cars, and 13 officers and 4 civilians injured.
Normally no officer would injure his followers by favouring outsiders over them.
Six officers were injured, three with stab wounds in the early hours of the riot.
The second officer injured his knee and was treated and released.