In both cases, the officers involved apparently closed ranks.
Other crooked officers involve them a little at a time, with a few dollars of dirty money.
No such measure was taken but the government in Vienna refused to punish the officers involved.
With no further information, the police investigators issued a preliminary report clearing the officers involved.
In 70 cases the board was able to substantiate police brutality but could not identify the officer involved.
And at the church, filled with some 400 people, critics demanded that the officers involved be arrested.
Why, 11 days after the shooting, have the four officers involved not spoken to investigators?
He said investigators were trying to enhance the tape electronically to better see the officers involved and determine what happened.
In about half the cases investigated, the staff found, the officers involved had failed to file a written record of the encounter.
He declined to discuss the speeds reached in the chase or to identify the four officers involved.