So starts 'just another day at the office' for what is arguably one of the best General officers known to history.
The senior officer, known as a medical assistant, who is trained in hygiene and no more, had left for home three days earlier.
Decisions of the council are carried out by a proper officer, typically known as a parish clerk.
The ship's political officer, known as the "invalid" for his lack of real work, wants him back on the slime line.
Britain plans to send more than 40 police officers, known as "spotters," to watch over its crowds in Germany.
Among the most ruthless is a group of former special forces officers known as the Zetas.
Instead, these senior officers, known as the siloviki, worked against it.
It is an administrative unit under an officer known as Adhikari.
Admiral Snyder is a superb officer known for his sensitivity as a leader.
The officers, now known as the Austin Seven, have all pleaded not guilty.