Laughing, the two officers turned and mounted the stairs to the raised deck, the engineering officer slightly ahead.
Only one hundred yards away, the young Zhentish officer mounted his horse and led his troops onto the barricade.
With their own money, the officers bought a video camera, mounted it in their patrol car and began taping every arrest for driving while drunk.
He pulled himself back into the saddle, then waited as the other officers mounted.
To the left, French officers appear standing and mounted beneath the white banner of the royal Bourbon family.
And the that Mr and other officers never like to mount an armed operation, never.
The officers also mount, and, shortly, the Cyadoran force rides eastward.
Seventy five officers - some armed - mounted a search.
In May, disgruntled officers mounted an unsucessful coup, the second in a year.
The officer mounted the veranda and came straight to their table.