The military's senior officers opposed the coalition's plans, and had close ties with the country political and economic elite, who also opposed them.
Pappas knew the arrested officers opposed the junta and realised there was no further hope for a movement inside Greece.
Serbia and the most vocal high-ranking officers of the Yugoslav army strongly oppose this idea.
But to this plan the officer opposed a second order of the King.
Many senior officers also oppose an international peacekeeping force.
As was the case in Shanghai, many officers in the Qing government opposed building this railway.
The military officers have also opposed Congressional plans to divert the armed forces from their main mission to fight the war on drugs.
Since naval officers oppose sending a battleship into the gulf's confined waters, the Missouri's huge 16-inch guns may not be fired.
Both officers also opposed the release, General Myers said.
How could an officer mindful of that oppose them?