My letter is a basic piece of research so that senior officers can present councillors with well-informed choices.
But asWar Maiden 's executive officer, the possibility presented him with a definite problem.
If the seamen from both ships decided to keep the treasure, killing officers in their beds at night would present no problems.
The officers were encouraged to attained international conferences and present their papers.
The officers presented only one piece of evidence against him, the photograph of the three men kneeling with the timers.
A suicidal captain and first officer presented an immediate, grave threat to the entire ship and crew.
The young officer Presented Strange with a piece of paper.
His first officer had presented him with a list of supplies that he needed to authorize, but the words on the velum blurred.
Hathcock was always proud when a general officer presented him with anything, and he wanted to share that feeling of pride with Jo.
Silent took the officers present into the cabin of the ship's master.