The bill would also require officers to record the reason for the stop, whether it resulted in a warning, citation, vehicle search or arrest.
The officer took notes and recorded his confession on a small tape machine.
The law, which took effect in October, requires officers to record the race of drivers they stop for traffic and other violations.
The submarine launched four torpedoes at another Japanese ship, and her commanding officer recorded that all of the "fish" had missed.
Two officers then recorded serial numbers, if available (to keep inventory of guns being handed over to police).
Some officers of the 52nd recorded their experiences in the regiment.
The city also agreed to computerize reports at all police stations, where officers now record their activities by hand and typewriter.
"The General fears nothing from the direction of Paris," recorded an officer on September 4.
As one officer recorded the violations, Ms. Thompson said, she and her husband tried to explain themselves, first by noting their religious roles.
The astrological officer and his four astrologers specifically recorded the astronomical data.