The officer relied only on Roberto's records, because Ms. Garcia and the boy failed to show up.
Its officers relied upon secret evidence that has not been revealed due to national security concerns.
The investigation ruled that if the commanding officer had relied on the complete tactical data displayed by the Aegis system the engagement might never have occurred.
In addition, many officers relied on second jobs and security details at places like the Superdome to supplement their incomes.
Moreover, investigators have found that the officer who gave the submarine its basic routing also relied only on that one chart.
Consequently, in fulfilling their responsibilities, these officers must rely on the systems, internal controls, and personnel that process the transactions.
During his combat tour his commanding officers also relied on him to accurately and swiftly plot numerous missions.
The Court finds that because the warrant allowed for investigation of the 3rd floor, the officers reasonably relied on the warrant to carry out the search.
"The officers rely on their bosses to give them lawful orders through the chain of command," Mr. Israel said.
The officers would not have asked the racial background of the motorists, but would have relied on their own visual determination.