The officers shall represent the entire student organizations, especially when there are complaints and motions on how to improve the status of student organizations.
This officer represents our community.
A Muslim officer, the khazz, represented the Muslim community in the royal court.
In the 1980's, Mr. Spota also represented some police officers who were convicted of drug offenses.
The four national officers always represent the significant ethnic groups within the church.
A returning officer represents Elections Nunavut in each of the 19 constituencies.
The 44 new officers represented the first of several planned additions to a department that has shrunk steadily since 2000.
It was exceptional, however, for a gang to exceed a dozen men, and these three officers with their little parties represented a very thin coverage of the county.
While these officers represent the four branches of the armed forces and have a rich variety of experience, all are men.
Often ex-consuls and junior officers represented the board in their daily tasks.