Sixteen officers from one unit were resisting orders to demobilize, a battalion commander said at the ceremony.
At first, a few officers resisted because the idea sound hokey.
His officers initially resisted the declaration, forcing him to postpone the action and to kill a number of them.
When the officer resisted, he was stabbed, and the suspects fled.
A Congressional investigation found that senior officers have resisted examination of their role in the crime itself or the ensuing cover-up.
Most regular officers have resisted putting personnel, money and careers into unconventional operations, considering them to be outside the mainstream of military activity.
The second officer resisted a smile.
The same officers, the report said, had resisted such pressure on an earlier flight carrying high Government officials.
The officer resisted the urge to take out a notebook, to ask questions.
Its rank-and-file officers, wedded to traditions that date from the middle of the last century, resist new ideas.