This approach has complications: American officers suspect that some money was siphoned off.
If the officer suspected his identity, it was just as well to be prepared.
The officers suspected that one of the men had a gun, but no gun was later found, the police have said.
It was an ability every officer under him had suspected.
Not for one moment did the officer suspect any connection between them, but he figured that this man might serve as a witness.
The young man was seen running from a car where the officers suspected a drug sale had taken place.
When officers suspect that dog owners have given them false names, they ask for identification.
According to a police spokesman, the four officers at the scene suspected that some of the students had been drinking.
Police and military officers, they said, suspected some in the town of selling supplies to the rebels, so they also killed.
We can't afford to let the officers ever suspect that you know I was here.