Most of the time during their travels, they stayed in officers quarters.
The Americans were then herded into vans and taken to what they perceived as officers quarters on the Lingshui military base.
Visitors can tour the 1820s period officers' quarters.
In 1961, there were plans made to convert the former prison officers' quarters into married quarters for the Gardaí.
Along with being a hospital, the fort still has buildings on the hills nearby, which once served as the officers quarters.
It was converted to an officers quarters in 1881 by the Spanish Army.
General Burnside confiscated the house during the war to serve as officers quarters.
Inside the fortress were built barracks, guardhouse, officers quarters, brig and gunpowder magazine.
Most of the buildings, including the barracks, commissary, and officers quarters, are furnished to their original appearance.
Additional buildings were constructed, including a hospital, officers quarters, stables and guard-rooms.