In western countries the secondary market remains a black market with little to no social acceptance or official acknowledgement.
By the time he'd reached the second I could have strolled to the nearest church, said a prayer for Tiltman's preservation, and waited for an official acknowledgement.
The city did not have a clear foundation date or any official acknowledgement thereof.
Part of the description was an official acknowledgement that the Government has been unresponsive and corrupt.
Because of the cat's endangered status, official acknowledgement would likely trigger a management plan.
- Within 48 hours, the IRS sends an official acknowledgement that your return was received.
'It might not be a bad time for an official acknowledgement of your union,' Afra suggested subtly.
It hardly seems necessary to go through an official acknowledgement at this late date, Mother!
He altered his voice after his official acknowledgement of the communique' to a less formal tone.
To some extent, it marks the official acknowledgement and establishment of a European maritime area subject to shared regulations.