Municipal officials, who contended that they were already providing everything ordered by the judge, appealed the decision.
City officials and local legislators appealed to the agency, which then decided to put the lifeguards back.
The officials appealed for a warmer approach by Washington.
Meanwhile, the officials are appealing the latest in a string of court rulings against them.
Irish officials appealed and asked that Coghlan be added to the final.
These officials and their supporters have appealed directly to the public for donations so that they can compete against private buyers at the auction.
At a news conference today, German officials appealed to journalists not to press for details.
By September 23, officials in the city appealed to the Government for funding to deal with the aftermath of the hurricane.
Chinese officials say that more will die from disease and hunger, and have appealed to other nations for help.
German officials appealed to citizens to welcome their Polish neighbors, but some were unwilling to do so.