Pictures of a provincial pilgrimage reveal the continued intensity of religious faith in Russia despite 75 years of official atheism.
Due to the official atheism in former GDR, most of the population is non-religious.
Actually, Beaver, despite their professed and official atheism, the Communist bloc nations were seized and are still controlled by an ancient hierarchy of renegade druids.
Even the darkest pessimist about the fate of Holy Russia after so many decades of official atheism will regard Mrs. Lee's judgment as a bit strong.
That could never have happened before, because Mrs. Kruger had refused to join the Communist Party and insisted on being married in a church, defying the Government's official atheism.
In keeping with the official atheism of the Communist state, the phrase "thank God" (in Russian, "slava Bogu," literally "glory to God") was not to be used.
As a result, the Ethiopian Church lost its standing as the state church, and equality of religions was proclaimed, although the new government professed official atheism.
Cuba went through three decades of official revolutionary atheism, in which the church's very legitimacy as a teacher of individual ethics was ruled out.
Many Falun Gong followers live in an industrial urban jumble of half-finished concrete shells, smokestacks and high-tension power lines where traditional religion has been replaced by official atheism.
This was a common Eastern Orthodox tradition in the Russian Empire, which has become rare in Russia as a result of the official atheism of the former Soviet Union.