At this time, however, there was no official attempt by the English government to create a colonial empire.
Compare them with our comprehensive schools, where an official attempt was made to trample upon the diversity of the British people.
The official attempts to hold down the dollar were lighter than Monday's efforts but still significant, traders said.
There is no evidence of any official attempts to preserve or commemorate this major Holocaust site.
As of 2005, Warby's record still stands, and there have only been two official attempts to break it.
Wang was removed from his home and beaten to death by the police, as part of the official attempt to beautify the capital.
The first official attempt to broadcast live in Ukraine was made on February 1, 1939.
During the early days of New Mexico, there was only one official attempt at a statewide law enforcement agency.
Warby's record still stands today, and there have only been two official attempts to break it which are mentioned below.