For several years, the city has cracked down on illegal firecracker sales, but after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, officials banned even professional displays.
Chechen officials have banned all public gatherings, saying the threat of terrorist attacks on crowds was too great.
It also allows officials to restrict or ban the use of television and radio broadcasting equipment.
Under the emergency in effect for the last three years officials have banned all substantial protest marches.
The prosecutors and dissident members want the indicted officials banned from running or the elections delayed until the criminal charges against them are resolved.
Following the protests, officials banned controversial films and books, and shut down a large number of newspapers.
The world outcry made Chinese officials ban the practice of using diethylene glycol in toothpaste.
In March 1996, European officials banned British beef exports.
Other legends say that a runner tripped on his loincloth and officials banned it as unsafe.
He appeared in the museum to sign his pictures but public officials banned the appearances on the same day.