This procedure would replace the present rules, traditional under the Soviet system, under which official censors have the right to inspect and make judgments on material before publication.
Zimbabwe, with its official censors' board and sometimes colonial-era sense of propriety, can be quite conservative.
Samizdat was illegal publishing of works carried out by religious groups, dissidents, and many others who wanted to avoid the official censors.
I have known him since the early 1970's when he was one of the official censors in the Lon Nol Government.
His red-shirted Youth League and his official censors enforced a frightened silence.
During this period it was extremely rare that literature presenting any form of criticism (even in mild forms) of the government could get past the official censors.
Having joined the Communist Party in 1969, he began writing editorials in a Lisbon newspaper, struggling daily with official censors.
Sometimes the sites are swamped by opposing comment - many believe by official censors - that is more favorable to the government.
But even as sanitized by official censors at the time, Donizetti's Lucrezia is a sordid heroine.