During martial law in Poland, official censorship was introduced, including open phone tapping.
For many years, the press had been expected to practice self-censorship, but this increasingly gave way to official censorship.
Others, such as the official censorship, were extremely distasteful.
If not, you should get the whole story some time, but not, for the reasons of official censorship, from me.
Technically, there is no official censorship of the local media here.
There are 'report' buttons on their website, so it might not be official censorship.
The authorities at the time were rather anxious to limit parallel markets not subjected to official censorship.
Images of and references to 'empty chair' also became the target of official censorship.
The journalistic print fraternity has joined their crusade against official censorship.
During the late years of communism, the enterprise was subject to the intervention of official censorship.